What is localization? Is it the same as translation?

Localization is a more complex process that involves adapting digital and non-textual content to a target region and culture. Translating to the target language is an essential element in this process. With localization, we’re focusing more specifically on regional and cultural preferences to deliver a product that will be well received by the target audience.

The regional subtleties of language are an important aspect of this process. Speakers of Spanish, French, and English each have different idioms and dialects between Europe and the Americas. Different cultures can share a common language but their words often convey different meanings. We must take these differences into account when we localize your product and its content.

Ideally, a globalization strategy is formulated at the initial stages of product development. It becomes more complicated, and more expensive, when firms decide to localize a product further into its lifecycle. Once the target cultures and markets are determined, we start the process of internationalizing your product. Properly internationalized products and their associated content will make translation and localization easier.

Thinking about localizing a website? Talk to us



All text is translated into the target language and locale.



Graphic and non-textual elements are adapted to the target language and locale.


This process involves adapting the software to be used in the target locale.

Mobile Apps
Enterprise Solutions